Wondering if your rabbit is getting bored of those leafy greens and looking to feed them something more exciting instead? The good news is, rabbits can eat plain cheerios.
Whilst cheerios may not be your rabbit’s first go-to snack, they are safe for them to eat but only in moderation.
Cheerios may advertise their whole-grain goodness, but that is not the only ingredient present in the food. Like all other breakfast cereals, cheerios are highly processed and contain other substances that are not that great for your rabbit’s diet.
If your rabbit does take a liking to cheerios, only give them on occasion and only the plain kind.
How Often Can I feed My Rabbits Cheerios?
Cheerios may be safe to eat for rabbits but giving them a bowlful for breakfast every morning is not such a good idea.
Firstly, rabbits’ stomachs and digestive systems are very small. They can only handle so much of any food at a time, and their digestive functions really are better suited to natural plants and other things they would find in their wild environment.
Giving them 3 or 4 cheerios is not going to do them any harm. It is best to only feed your rabbit half a cheerio at first to make sure they do not have any adverse reactions. All rabbits are different, and some of more sensitive to processed food than others.
It is best to only give them 3 or 4 cheerios once or twice a week at most. Even the smallest amount of cheerios daily could lead to health problems for your rabbit later down the line.
Can Rabbits Eat Honey Nut Cheerios?
Your rabbit would probably love the taste of honey nut cheerios, but unfortunately, they are not safe for them to eat. Rabbits should only eat plain cheerios if you are going to give them any cheerios at all.
This is because honey nut cheerios, and other cheerio flavors other than plain, are full of sugars that are bad for your rabbits’ health.
Too much sugar can have a negative impact on your rabbits’ digestive system, and cause a pH imbalance that encourages harmful bacteria to grow.
Whilst a little sugar will not harm them in the long term, a lot can ultimately kill them, especially if fed in large amounts continuously.
So, for safe practice always stick with regular plain cheerios, and avoid all other flavored brands.
What Kinds of Cereal Can Rabbits Eat?
There are plenty of cereals that your rabbit can eat, providing they are natural and do not contain any artificial flavorings or sugars.
Natural cereals such as rolled oats, bran, and barley are great for rabbits as they contain natural carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins, and also a healthy amount of good fats.
Wild rabbits find plenty of grains and wheat that they eat as part of their natural diet, so unprocessed cereals are an ideal addition to your rabbit’s diet.
Minimally Processed Cereals
Cereals that are not completely natural and have undergone a small amount of processing aren’t exactly good for your rabbit, but a small amount won’t hurt them. They can be a nice alternative to your rabbit’s normal diet and make a tasty treat for your rabbit to enjoy.
Plain cheerios fall into this category of cereals as well as shredded wheat, rice cakes, plain cornflakes, and corn chex.
This group of cereals does not contain a high amount of sugar or any other harmful ingredients in large amounts. One or two pieces of this cereal group a few times a week is absolutely safe for your rabbit to eat.
When Not To Feed Cereal To Your Rabbit
All cereals, processed or unprocessed, are not the easiest food for your rabbit to ingest.
If your rabbit has any digestive problems or complications it is best to avoid giving them any kind of cereal, even the healthy kind.
Rabbits struggle to absorb starch. They can manage small amounts of starch in their diet, but too much can lead to enterotoxaemia and GI stasis.
If you want your rabbit to have an optimally healthy diet, it is best to only give them leafy greens, a little fruit, and a small number of natural cereals as part of a balanced meal.
Natural cereals that grow in nature are a great addition to your rabbit’s diet and can be fed regularly, however sugary, processed cereals should be avoided.
Cereals that have undergone a small amount of processing will not harm your pet if you choose to give small amounts.
A large amount of processed sugary cereals can affect your rabbit’s digestive system because they are not well adapted to processing such foods and any at all can result in complicated health problems.
You should only give your rabbit minimally processed cereals, like plain cheerios, once or twice a week at most and keep servings small, like 3 or 4 pieces at a time.
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